Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today is the first day of spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been waiting for sunshine forever! I've been ready for spring since... well, since last summer! 
The weather today is a perfect springboard for the year! It's beautiful outside. Now, if it was warm, I'd be out there. Unfortunately, it's still pretty chilly - but WAY better than having snow on the ground! 
Kaleb worked all day yesterday getting the rocks raked out of the yard. That's a spring job if there ever was one! It means we are through with snow and snow plows... hopefully! I'd love to be 100% optimistic but I've lived in Garrett County for too long to think that the first day of spring means positively no more snow! 
But Spring is certainly on the way! 

This was my friend, Abigail, and I last summer... in the sunshine : )

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