Tuesday, May 15, 2012

1 year down!

This afternoon I took my last final for the semester and thereby completed my first year of college! It feels great to (1) have accomplished this, and (2) TO BE DONE!!!!!!! I haven't learned my final grades from everything yet, but I know I got an A in Psychology II (Human Growth & Development) and in College Algebra. My other classes (music and microbiology) haven't posted their final grades. Both Psych and Algebra had 2-part finals. After I took the first part in each of them, I had a high enough grade that I didn't have to take the second part! Woohoo! That took a load off! Plus, I didn't exactly have a final in music either - I had a "concluding assignment" my teacher said. It was confusing and pretty much just a final. 
Micro turned out to be my hardest class this semester (had a very difficult teacher. For example: He put an entire chapter in our final that was not in the syllabus and that he didn't cover or ever mention in class). Fortunately, this feeling was not reciprocal: I was quite frustrated with him most of the time but he told me and my friend that we were some of the best students he's had... Anyway, it's over! I have the same teacher (Carolyn Deniker) for both the classes I'm taking next semester (Anatomy & Physiology I & II) and she's awesome, so I'm really looking forward to the fall semester :) 
Plans for the Summer: Vacation beginning next Friday! I have spring classes to register for at Allegheny College, online medical transcription classes to finish, take a CPR course at the Hospital with my friend (Emily), Vacation Bible School flyers and posters to make, and possibly a tutoring job. I also want to read this: 

...and this

....and this.
...and anything else that comes a long and looks interesting. 

These are on my Amazon account wishlist and I'm saving my swagbucks to get them: 
(see the widget at the bottom of the page to learn about Swagbucks - I can redeem 450 swagbucks for a $5 Amazon gift card. If you decide to sign up, PLEASE do it through my widget!!)

I final have time to do some pleasure reading! This is the only book I got to read during this past semester:
This was about one of the girls (Cassie Bernall) that was shot at Columbine. The kid put the gun to her head and asked her if she believed in God. When she said yes, he shot and killed her. The book is by her mother with excerpts by her Dad, brother, and friends. Her mother explained that Cassie's life was not at all what her death seems to convey. Earlier in Cassie's life, she and a friend were themselves planning the death of one of their teachers. She wore black and skulls and hung out with friends who talked of little besides killing their parents. Then, prior to several important events, Cassie had a change of heart that also changed her life... a change that would later giver her the peace and strength to say "yes". 

~ ~ ~ 

Anyway, I got one of these after I finished my test today 
... a Burger King Mocha Frappe. Kaleb had a coupon for a free one a couple weeks ago and I picked up for him (testing on the way home!) They're quite delicious ... so got myself a "this semester is finally done" treat! Too bad it's not sunny and hot today because this drink would be perfect on a bright, sunny day...
So... I'm gonna go enjoy my frappe and one of my new books :) 
