Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I saw this word on a movie title and the title of a song (below) and wondered what it meant...so I looked it up! And I thought the song was pretty ( I love patriotic stuff), so I thought I'd share that too :)

: a mass for the dead
a : a solemn chant (as a dirge) for the repose of the deadb : something that resembles such a solemn chant
a : a musical setting of the mass for the deadb : a musical composition in honor of the dead

Not exactly a "happy" word, but interesting, nonetheless ... I mean, who knew there was a single word that meant "a musical composition in honor of the dead"?

Here's the song I mentioned ... it's called Requiem for a Soldier

You never lived to see
What you gave to me
One shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty

With a host of brave unknown soldiers
For your company, you will live forever
Here in our memory

In fields of sacrifice
Heroes paid the price
Young men who died for old men's wars
Gone to paradise

We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see we can live together
When all the world is free

I wish you'd lived to see
All you gave to me
Your shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty

We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see - we can live together
When all the world is free

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