These are a few of the books that I have read in the last few years and especially enjoyed!
"The Woman at the Well" - By Dale Evans Rogers
"Angel Unaware" - by Dale Evans Rogers
"Dearest Debbie"- by Dale Evans Rogers
"Salute to Sandy" - by Dale Evans Rogers
"Where He Leads" - by Dale Evans Rogers
"Happy Trails: Our Life Story" by Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Jane & Michael Stern
"As For God, His Way is Perfect" - Joshua Thompson
"Embrace of Grace" - Caleb Thompson
"Trump: The Art of the Deal" - by Donald J. Trump with Tony Schwartz
"Big Picture" - By Dr. Ben S. Carson
"Think Big" - by Dr. Ben S. Carson
"Gifted Hands" - by Dr. Ben S. Carson
"Take the Risk" - by Dr. Ben S. Carson
"When Character Was King" - by Peggy Noonan
"Going Rogue: An American Life" - by Sarah Palin
"A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic" - by Henry Mayer
"The Hidden Hand" - by E.D.E.N. Southworth
"How To Stay Christian in College" - By J. Budziszewski
"Angels in the ER" - by Dr. Robert Lesslie
"Angels On Call" by Dr. Robert Lesslie
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