Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentine's Party

Karissa had a Valentine's Party with her Sunday School class the Sunday after Valentines. Her little girls had so much fun!! It was neat watching Karissa and Abigail give them treats and do decorations and games. Karissa said she remembers (and so do I) when Mrs. Terry and Mom used to do those parties when we were in the primary Sunday School class! I always looked forward to them so much! Mrs. Terry was a wonderful Sunday School Teacher. I still remember so many things she taught us ... ten years ago. 


The Classroom, decorations, and the girls

Bethany Jones pinning the heart on the bear

Annalise Jones pinning her heart on the bear

Try again Annie!

Elise Geisler pinning a heart on the bear

Bethany won and Emily was "runner-up"!

Karissa had little lotions and chapsticks for "prizes"... of course, all the girls got one :)

She also had crafts for them. Each of them made a valentine for each of their parents. Karissa also got little memo pads, covered the front with colored card stock, and gave each of the girls different colored hearts to decorate their notepads!

Making pretty cards :)

Emily Geisler working on her notebook

Aunt Abigail helping Annie


Karissa had pink lemonade and chex-mix with heart-shaped, strawberry marshmallows and pink-and-red M&Ms for them! Abigail brought them each a lollipop bouquet (the lollipops where heart-shaped of course!) and message hearts!!  

Abigail and Karissa with (l to r) Annie, Elise, Bethany, and Emily

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


My Kayah Laine

This crazy cat! We've had her for almost a year, and she's gotten so much bigger!
She isn't as friendly as Kayce was, but I think she's just as pretty :)
It's hard to find her at any specific time because she'll sleep anywhere!

She did have some help getting up there in my desk. But once there she didn't want down! 

This is my bed by the way! Kayah thinks it's hers.

The past week or so, she'll jump up on my other desk while I'm working on school in the morning and sleep behind my book. I work on this desk (above) during the morning, but it's too high for typing, so I do my online classes at the "other desk" in the afternoons. 

She loves to climb Katrina's ladder! She's really fast getting up and down that thing anymore!

... she likes to sleep under it too :)

The other day, she was sleeping on my desk; then she woke up and crawled under my book! 

peek-a-boo :)

She's really good at the annoyed look! 


Kayah sleeps like this allot

Mom and I think she has really pretty markings...

And she thinks she owns the furniture! 

She is not a cat to do things half-way though; she thrives on extremes:
She loves you...or she hates you
She's sleeping on you.... or scratching you
She's running away from you...or chasing you
She is sleeping on the furniture ... or using it as an obstacle course (that's hilarious to watch!)

In temperament/personality, Kayah and Kayce are not at all alike... in those respects they couldn't be more different than they already are. 

Even so, I'm so glad to have a cat again!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ava's ABCs

This is a video I got of Ava the week after Christmas
...singing her ABC's with the iXL Kent & Ashley got her for Christmas :)

She is so smart  -  and cute!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tubing at the Wisp

One of the things that Karissa wanted to do for her birthday this year, was to go snow tubing at the Wisp. She invited our best friends (the Jones') and we went last night (Feb. 10th). 

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings there is a discounted rate if a certain number of people commit to coming. We had 10 people in our party alone, so we were able to get the group rate. 

It was tons of fun! We had a blast! At first it was really, really cold, but towards the last hour and a half, it wasn't so bad! The temperature was really low, but we were glad it wasn't windy or snowing! 

Yesterday was one of the few days Dad gets home early (around 5:30); that was the main reason Karissa picked that day. But he did have to go home about half way through to load the truck for the next day (which is his longest route of the month. He has to leave around 4 am and doesn't get home until after midnight usually). Since we only live like 3 or so miles from the Wisp, it wasn't that big a deal :) Mom took him home and came right back. 

Mom didn't want to tube, so she was either taking pictures or inside the lodge.

Dad & Katrina

Kaleb & Micaiah

Riding up the conveyor belt: Kaleb, 'Caiah, Kaitlyn, me, and Karissa

The slopes 

Kaleb coming down the hill! 


Karissa and I at the end of the lanes

Me and Karissa headed back to the top

Little bit blurry :/  Karissa, JoAnna, Abigail, me, and Priscilla headed to the conveyor belt


Kaleb :)




Karissa, Kaitlyn, me, JoAnna, Katrina, Priscilla

Cute sisters! Abigail and JoAnna

JoAnna and Kaitlyn

Dad, 'Cilla, and I ... take a break to warm up in the lodge

JoAnna, me, Karissa, Abigail, Priscilla, and Kaitlyn
 ...and Katrina 

Happy Birthday!! She'll be 20!!!!



Priscilla, me, Kaitlyn, and Karissa

JoAnna riding up the conveyor belt

Abigail on the belt

Looking down the slopes





Katrina and Karissa

Mom - keepin' warm! Mrs. Terry was there to keep her company :)

After we were done:

Group pictures! Me, Priscilla, Katrina, JoAnna, Abigail, Kaitlyn, Karissa, Kaleb, and Micaiah

We went back to the house where Karissa had Chili ready and chips-n-cheese :) Nice and warm..

It was very very fun! We all had a really good time! Some of them said they were scared to go down the first time, but after that first time they were like "this is so much fun!!!!!!"
So we've lived 3 miles away all these years (about 8) and this is the first time we've been to the Wisp! 
Priscilla and I were like "we want to try the zip-line next"!
